Sunday 13 June 2010

wond'ring aloud II

Hmm, as I'm so bored, I've just taken a look over a few past blogs.  On the 7th April I mentioned having just missed Let It Be by the Four Scousers (a not so modern beat combo, m'lord).  I now have a copy - the power of blogging, eh? Or perhaps, just the power of moaning loud enough.  Anyway, I enjoyed watching it (even if it is pirated - which I strongly suspect) but it brought home the fact that I'm not surprised Sir Paul and Lady Ringo are so against it being released.  It certainly is NOT flattering to the memory of the Beatles. But then, who cares?  I still listen to them. I must admit to not being their number one fan but I still have the entire collection on CD - and, therefore, my iPod. Much of it is naive and some of it (whisper, whisper) is almost un-listenable at times. Er, where was I? Oh yes . . . actually, I just wanted to catch up and say that I now have a serviceable copy of the film on dvd.

Multitasking, then, that was mentioned earlier.  Dinner was "Chicken Skewers with Bulgar Wheat and Corn Salad".  As the whole of tonight's meal consisted of me and third born, it was pleasant to be told that tonight's dinner was deemed, "cool" and that he prefers bulgar wheat to cous cous.  A little victory there, then. Last night I dined alone as Mrs Dave is in London for her marking conference (keep up at the back).  I actually managed to barbecue a mackerel (marinated in rosemary and chili oil) before Dr Who started AND I managed to watch the England match (astonished readers may here take a few minutes to recover).  It is well-known that as a Grammar School boy who never learned to play football that I am rather naive in the ways of "footy". Still, I personally will not pour scores of opprobrium on the goalie - we all make mistakes.

Oh my god, don't we?

wond'ring aloud

It's been a busy few weeks.  I'm knee-deep in marking exam scripts for AS Film Studies.  Which is better than earlier in the week because I was up to my neck in it! Ha ha.  Suit yourselves. I've just marked a whole Centre that taught "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" as an American film - all those poor students that have been taught by someone who should know a damn-sight better.  It is section C "American Film - Comparative Study" on the syllabus.  Honestly . . .

Anyway, not much else to write about really - actually, there's loads but I'm quite shattered trying to keep up with marking AND normal school work. For future reference listen to Patty Larkin - a great American singer-songwriter who knows her way around a bit of wood with wires on.  She knows how to use her home studio, too. Excellent stuff - more on her soon.

The photo is of a quiet corner of the back room.  Some of the music held in those cds will find a way into future postings.  The print on the floor is of Richard Dadd's "The Fairy Feller's Masterstroke" from a Tate Exhibition.  The other one is a portrait of yours truly by a neighbour - embarrasingly enough that we own it, let alone that Mrs Dave paid money for it! It probably hasn't escaped your notice that pictures are normally hung on the wall, not left propped up.  One day.

As I was bored I decided to diddle around with a new look for the blog - yes, I was that bored. I'm sure someone out there will let me know what they think of the new design.

I wait with bated breath. Ah well, time to make dinner, drink beer and listen to Patty Larkin.  Who said men couldn't multitask?